Tank Safety

Propane Tank Inspections and Pressure Tests

Northwest Propane performs tank inspections, leak checks, and pressure tests on gas piping. Put your trust in the knowledgeable team at Northwest Propane! Our technicians have the skills and the know-how to identify, isolate, and correct the potential and existing safety hazards.

Get your propane tank and lines checked by us for peace of mind! Contact us today!

Valuable Tank Safety Information for Small DOT Cylinders

Suppose your cylinder was manufactured before 1998 and is due for requalification (cylinders need to be requalified ten years after the original date of manufacture and every five years after that). In that case, your valve must be replaced with an OPD.

  • ReCertification: $10.00 
  • Valve Replacement: $35.00

The date of manufacture is present on the neck ring of the cylinder as a three or four-digit number. Check the date on your cylinder to see if your tank needs the valve replaced. All propane cylinders must be equipped with an OPD before April 1, 2002, regardless of the manufacturer’s date.

Northwest Propane is prohibited by law from filling a cylinder that does not meet these guidelines. Bring your cylinder to us the next time it needs to be filled, and we can determine if your valve needs to be replaced.

Contact us and call 360-354-4471 to learn more about propane tank safety.

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